Vehicles with special qualities can be found all over San Andreas. Most of these appear during specific missions and have qualities such as being resistant to certain types of attack up to being completely indestructible. Saving a special vehicle like this in your garage can significantly help you with later missions. Here is a list of vehicles with unique qualities, which mission they can be found in, and how they can be saved in your garage.
Please note that during certain missions, vehicles may "seem" bullet, fire, or explosion proof. However, they are not. During certain missions, vehicles may have up to 500% more health than a normal vehicle. However, they'll lose that quality when saved in a garage.
(note: This guide was written by CoyoteMystro exclusively for the GTA Network. If you have any comments or additions, contact him at his email address. This guide is also available in its original format.)
Damage and Health Proof (DHP) Vehicle is invincible to physical damage. Vehicle is invincible to any type of health damaging attack. |
Tanker Commander |
First purchase the safe house in Dillimore. Then run through the
mission marker to meet Catalina. She'll inform you of four various
locations as which to which you can rob, one being the gas station in
Dillimore. Head to the gas station and drive/walk into the mission
marker. After the cut-scene, Cataline gets into the passengers seat
of the Tanker. Go ahead and get in the Tanker but DO NOT attach the
Tanker Trailer. Instead, go to the north end of the gas station.
You'll notice a Sabre, in a random color. Push it with the Tanker
to your Dillimore garage. Once it's in the garage, get out of the
Tanker and stand beside the Sabre in the garage, shoot Catalina so
that the mission will fail, then simply walk out of the garage,
letting it save your DHP Sabre, one of only three DHP vehicles in the
entire game that are obtainable.
Los Desperados
| |
Purchase the safe house in El Corona before you start this mission
and stow a Tow Truck or Tractor in it. Then start the mission. Work
your way through until you reach the alley where one of your members
blows up a vehicle with a rocket launcher. Run to the garage and get
the Tow Truck or Tractor, then go back to the alley. Kill Cesar then
the remaining gang members. Then tow the Glendale to your garage
and save.
Los Sepulcros |
During the mission, there is a light blue Admiral parked near the south-eastern
corner of the cemetary. Once the mission starts, drive Sweet and your gang to the
mission marker outside the cemetary. Once there, retrieve a Tractor or Tow Truck from your
garage. Drive it to where the Admiral is parked, than using a weapon such as the AK-47,
shoot the gang members over by the tombstones. The mission will fail, and you'll now be able
to tow the DHP Admiral to your garage.
Damage Proof (DP) Vehicle is invincible to physical damage. |
End Of The Line
| |
During this mission, the vehicle doesn't take physical damage. Kill
Sweet and store it in a garage and save. Unconfirmed as to whether
it stays Damage Proof.
Bullet Proof (BP) Vehicle is invincible to gunfire. |
Robbing Uncle Sam
| | |
Follow through the mission until you open the warehouse revealing
the forklift. Kill Ryder, then store it your garage and save.
Follow through the mission until you open the warehouse revealing
the forklift, use it to put all the crates in the back of Ryder's
truck, then drive the Forklift to your Ganton garage. Then head back
to Ryder and complete the mission then head back to your Ganton
garage to ensure the BP Forklift saves.
Tanker Commander
| |
First purchase the safe house in El Corona. Then run through the
mission marker to meet Catalina. She'll inform you of four various
locations as which to which you can rob, one being the gas station in
Dillimore. Head to the gas station and drive/walk into the mission
marker. After the cut-scene, Cataline gets into the passengers seat
of the Tanker. Go ahead and get in the Tanker but DO NOT attach the
Tanker Trailer. Drive the Tanker to your El Corona garage, then
shoot Catalina to fail the mission and let the garage door shut,
saving the BP Tanker.
Tanker Trailer
Tanker Commander
| |
Not that it really matters, because at this point in the game there
is no garage large enough nor purchasable to which to contain this
Tanker Trailer. The only garages that could hold this trailer are
the Vehicle and Aircraft garage at the Abandoned Airfield, and
possibly the safe houses in Doherty and Hashury. But as stated,
those properties are unreachable and/or unpurchable, so this is one
BP vehicle you CANNOT obtain.
Bullet and Fire Proof (BFP) Vehicle is invincible to both gunfire and fire/flames. |
House Party
| |
Complete the mission, the two BP/FP Tahoma's will be located under
the Ganton bridge. They're locked, so push them to your Ganton
garage and save. If you get beyond about three car lengths from
them, they'll disappear, so be careful.
Bullet, Fire and Explosion Proof (BFEP) Vehicle is invincible to gunire, fire/flames, explosions. |
High Stakes, Low Rider
| |
There are two knowns ways of obtaining this vehicle.
- Start the mission then play the race as normal, but once you
get to the finish line, stop and wait for the other drivers to
catch-up. When yuh see them and/or Cesar's Savanna, pull into
the finish marker to win. The other drivers may turn around and
drive away or they make park. DON'T SHOOT WEAPONS, as it spooks
the drivers and they drive off in franic. Instead, once you win
the race and they're parked there, hit Cesar's Savanna with your
car. He'll come out and attack you, simply kill him. The
vehicle is locked unfortunately, so now you must push the
vehicle back to your garage with another vehicle. Push the
vehicle into a garage, the doors will unlock, then save.
- Get a Tow-Truck. Drive to where the mission start marker is.
Park your truck a few car lengths back, steal the Voodoo
beside one of the homes. Drive into the mission marker with
it. Once the cut-scene ends, use the Tow Truck to tow your
low-rider to the starting line. Once there, park your truck
at the intersection behind the starting line then drive your
lowrider into the starting marker. As soon as the count
down ends, quickly get out of your lowrider and back into
the Tow Truck. Quickly chase them down as you only have
20 seconds before mission failure. The mission will fail,
but if you catch-up with them and stay with them, they'll
stop at an intersection where the second check-point was
to be located. Simply hit Cesar's Savanna with your
Tow Truck to make him exit his car, then tow it back to
your garage and save.
Wu Zi Mu
| |
There are prolly a few different ways to obtain this, but my favorite
is to get a vehicle that accelerates faster then the Fortune. Start
the mission, as soon as the race begins, swing to the right and force
the Pink Fortune into a shed. There's only one way into this shed.
Block the entrance with your car then exit. Let the 25 second
count down fail the mission then use your vehicle to hit the Pink
Fortune, forcing the driver out. Now, the "fun" part is that you'll
need to push this vehicle to a garage. You can push it to either
the safe-house in Dillimore or the safe-house in Palimino Creek.
An alternative method is to push the vehicle off the cliff into the
water. Use the right analog to let the camera see the car sink in
the water, wait till it sinks, then pan the camera back to track.
The vehicle should reappear on the road but not drive because the
driver technically has "drowned". Exit your vehicle and let the 25
second count down fail the mission. Then hit his vehicle with yours
to make him exit, then push it to your Dillimore or Palimino Creek
Farewell My Love...
| |
In the U-Turns of the Panopticon, push the Eligy off the cliff into
the water and use the analog camera to watch it hit the water, keep
watching it until it sinks, then move the cam back to the view of the
road, the Eligy will reappear but won't drive anywhere because the
driver has technically "drowned". Exit your car so the 25 second
count down will fail the mission, then hit the Eligy with your car to
make Woozie exit. Kill him, then push his car to a garage.
If you push the vehicle to the east side of Blueberry Acres, there's
a Tractor parked, you can use it to tow the vehicle to the garage,
which could save alot of time.
Phone call from Cesar in San Fierro/Big Smoke's Cash
| |
Once Cesar phones you, a red blip will appear on your radar. This
blip is a Patriot with cases in it's truck-bed. Head to Whetstone
and steal a Tow Truck. Then chase after the Patriot, but don't
threaten it. Just follow, it'll drive from Smoke's home to the west
side of down-town San Fierro, near that building with a clock tower.
Once it arrives there you'll fail the mission. Use the Tow Truck to
tow the Patriot back to your Doherty garage.
Special Note: The Patriot comes in three variations in San Andreas.
Truck, Truck with cover over bed, Truck with Cloth Camper over bed.
Explosion Proof (EP) Vehicle is invincible to explosions. |
There are no known explosion proof vehicles.
| Mission
Fire Proof (FP) Vehicle is invincible to fire/flames. |
Vehicle Greenwood Mission
Simply complete the mission then store the vehicle in your garage
and save.
High Stakes, Low Rider
| |
There are two knowns ways of obtaining this vehicle.
- Start the mission then play the race as normal, but once you
get to the finish line, stop, and wait for the other drivers to
catch-up. When yuh see them , pull into the finish marker to
win. The other drivers may turn around and drive away or they
make park. DON'T SHOOT WEAPONS, as it spooks the drivers and
they drive off in franic. Instead, once you win the race and
they're parked there, hit their car with your car. The driver
will exit the car to attack you, kill them. The vehicle is
locked unfortunately, so now you must push the vehicle back to
your garage with another vehicle. Push the vehicle into a
garage, the doors will unlock, then save.
- Get a Tow-Truck. Drive to where the mission start marker is.
Park your truck a few car lengths back, steal the Voodoo
beside one of the homes. Drive into the mission marker with
it. Once the cut-scene ends, use the Tow Truck to tow your
low-rider to the starting line. Once there, park your truck
at the intersection behind the starting line then drive your
lowrider into the starting marker. As soon as the count
down ends, quickly get out of your lowrider and back into
the Tow Truck. Quickly chase them down as you only have
20 seconds before mission failure. The mission will fail,
but if you catch-up with them and stay with them, they'll
stop at an intersection where the second check-point was
to be located. Simply hit the vehicle with your Tow Truck to
make him exit his car, then tow it back to your garage and save.
High Stakes, Low Rider
| |
There are two knowns ways of obtaining this vehicle.
- Start the mission then play the race as normal, but once you
get to the finish line, stop, and wait for the other drivers to
catch-up. When yuh see them , pull into the finish marker to
win. The other drivers may turn around and drive away or they
make park. DON'T SHOOT WEAPONS, as it spooks the drivers and
they drive off in franic. Instead, once you win the race and
they're parked there, hit their car with your car. The driver
will exit the car to attack you, kill them. The vehicle is
locked unfortunately, so now you must push the vehicle back to
your garage with another vehicle. Push the vehicle into a
garage, the doors will unlock, then save.
- Get a Tow-Truck. Drive to where the mission start marker is.
Park your truck a few car lengths back, steal the Voodoo
beside one of the homes. Drive into the mission marker with
it. Once the cut-scene ends, use the Tow Truck to tow your
low-rider to the starting line. Once there, park your truck
at the intersection behind the starting line then drive your
lowrider into the starting marker. As soon as the count
down ends, quickly get out of your lowrider and back into
the Tow Truck. Quickly chase them down as you only have
20 seconds before mission failure. The mission will fail,
but if you catch-up with them and stay with them, they'll
stop at an intersection where the second check-point was
to be located. Simply hit the vehicle with your Tow Truck to
make him exit his car, then tow it back to your garage and save.
High Stakes, Low Rider
| |
There are two knowns ways of obtaining this vehicle.
- Start the mission then play the race as normal, but once you
get to the finish line, stop, and wait for the other drivers to
catch-up. When yuh see them , pull into the finish marker to
win. The other drivers may turn around and drive away or they
make park. DON'T SHOOT WEAPONS, as it spooks the drivers and
they drive off in franic. Instead, once you win the race and
they're parked there, hit their car with your car. The driver
will exit the car to attack you, kill them. The vehicle is
locked unfortunately, so now you must push the vehicle back to
your garage with another vehicle. Push the vehicle into a
garage, the doors will unlock, then save.
- Get a Tow-Truck. Drive to where the mission start marker is.
Park your truck a few car lengths back, steal the Voodoo
beside one of the homes. Drive into the mission marker with
it. Once the cut-scene ends, use the Tow Truck to tow your
low-rider to the starting line. Once there, park your truck
at the intersection behind the starting line then drive your
lowrider into the starting marker. As soon as the count
down ends, quickly get out of your lowrider and back into
the Tow Truck. Quickly chase them down as you only have
20 seconds before mission failure. The mission will fail,
but if you catch-up with them and stay with them, they'll
stop at an intersection where the second check-point was
to be located. Simply hit the vehicle with your Tow Truck to
make him exit his car, then tow it back to your garage and save.
Wu Zi Mu
| |
Easiest way to obtain this vehicle is to trap it in the loading-bay
of a trucking depot after check-point 10. Once you hit checkpoint 9,
you'll go over a bridge, then hit checkpoint 10 and do a quick left
then right then left again. In this area you'll notice a high cement
wall with two opened gates. This is the area you'll want to trap the
vehicle, because if they get in there, they'll almost never escape
due to the gates being opened inwards and the other gates being
farther down the cement wall, therefore trapping them. Exit your
vehicle and let the 25 second count down fail the mission, then hit
their car with yours too make them exit. Then simply push the car
to a garage.
An alternative method is to push the vehicle off the cliff into the
water. Use the right analog to let the camera see the car sink in
the water, wait till it sinks, then pan the camera back to track.
The vehicle should reappear on the road but not drive because the
driver technically has "drowned". Exit your vehicle and let the 25
second count down fail the mission. Then hit his vehicle with yours
to make him exit, then push it to your Dillimore or Palimino Creek
Special note. The Stallion comes in three variations in San Andreas.
Convertible with its top up, Convertible with its down, and Hardtop.
Error: For some reason, garages will NOT open for this vehicle.
Wu Zi Mu
| |
Easiest way to obtain this vehicle is to trap it in the loading-bay
of a trucking depot after check-point 10. Once you hit checkpoint 9,
you'll go over a bridge, then hit checkpoint 10 and do a quick left
then right then left again. In this area you'll notice a high cement
wall with two opened gates. This is the area you'll want to trap the
vehicle, because if they get in there, they'll almost never escape
due to the gates being opened inwards and the other gates being
farther down the cement wall, therefore trapping them. Exit your
vehicle and let the 25 second count down fail the mission, then hit
their car with yours too make them exit. Then simply push the car
to a garage.
An alternative method is to push the vehicle off the cliff into the
water. Use the right analog to let the camera see the car sink in
the water, wait till it sinks, then pan the camera back to track.
The vehicle should reappear on the road but not drive because the
driver technically has "drowned". Exit your vehicle and let the 25
second count down fail the mission. Then hit his vehicle with yours
to make him exit, then push it to your Dillimore or Palimino Creek
Error: For some reason, garages will NOT open for this vehicle.
Farewell My Love...
| |
In the U-Turns of the Panopticon, push the Sultan off the cliff into
the water and use the analog camera to watch it hit the water, keep
watching it until it sinks, then move the cam back to the view of the
road, the Sultan will reappear but won't drive anywhere because the
driver has technically "drowned". Exit your car so the 25 second
count down will fail the mission, then hit the Sultan with your car
to make the driver exit. Kill him, then push his car to a garage.
If you push the vehicle to the east side of Blueberry Acres, there's
a Tractor parked, you can use it to tow the vehicle to the garage,
which could save alot of time.
Farewell My Love...
| |
In the U-Turns of the Panopticon, push the Sultan off the cliff into
the water and use the analog camera to watch it hit the water, keep
watching it until it sinks, then move the cam back to the view of the
road, the Sultan will reappear but won't drive anywhere because the
driver has technically "drowned". Exit your car so the 25 second
count down will fail the mission, then hit the Sultan with your car
to make the driver exit. Kill him, then push his car to a garage.
If you push the vehicle to the east side of Blueberry Acres, there's
a Tractor parked, you can use it to tow the vehicle to the garage,
which could save alot of time.
Special note: The ZR-350 comes in two variations. One with a
spoiler on the trunk-lid and one without a spoiler.
Unique Colors Vehicle has an obtainable paint scheme. |
Camper (Mothership)
Are You Going To San Fierro?, Black Project
| |
During "Are You Going To San Fierro", simply shoot Truth out of the
vehicle then drive it to a garage and save.
| |
After you drop off one of Jizzy's whores, you'll eventually have to
"save" her again from a preacher. He's driving a two-toned Stretch.
The Stretch can only be painted in one tone in Transfenders, so this
vehicle is special in that the top half is white, and the bottom half
is black. However, this vehicle is practically unobtainable. Only
way to obtain this vehicle is to follow them, and destory the Stretch
hopefully near your garage, then push the wreckage into it, then let
the garage door close, letting it regenerate the vehicle.
Special Note: You can obtain and all Black Stretch later in the game
that if you take to PayNSpray or Transfenders and repaint, the bottom
half will stay black. Easier way to obtain a vehicle like this.
Special Note: During the mission, the Stretch does not take any
physical damage. It's possible but unconfirmed that if you destroy
it then push it to a garage, letting it regenerate, that it could be
Physically Damage Proof.
Toreno's Last Flight
| |
Parked near the helipad's blocking gate is an FCR-900 in a random
color, but the Spokes are dark Red. Simply complete the mission
then store the vehicle in a garage and save.
Miscellaneous Unique Quality Unique information reguarding some vehicles. |
| |
At the start of mission, vehicle can recieve full physical damage.
After the vehicle is resprayed, the passenger doors have no windows
and the vehicle doors are undamageable/undetachable. However,
putting it back in your garage will make it normal again.
| |
After you've thrown the crates to Ryder and the cut-scene finishes,
the vehicle will now have crates in it's truck bed. Kill Ryder,
and store the vehicle in your garage to save it. The crates will
remain there.
Parked outside the house you're supposed to torch as by C.R.A.S.H.
| |
During this mission there is a Voodoo of random color parked to the
West side of the building. The Voodoo's hood is always opened, and
a gang memeber stands in front of it as if inspecting the engine.
Life's A Beach, Pier 69
| |
During these missions, the Rumpo has stereo equipment in the back,
however it's uncomfirmed as to whether this equipment stays when
the vehicle is saved in a garage.
T-Bone Mendez
| |
During this mission the Boxville parked under the freeway over-pass
has crates in it. It's uncomfirmed whether these crates stay when
vehicle is stored in a garage.
San Fierro Police Car
Parked in underground impound garage in down town by bridge.
| |
The hood of this police car is always up, it doesn't take damage but
does detach if hit hard enough. Usually a cop standing in front of
this car as if he's inspecting the engine.
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